My personal preference is home visits. While I don't mind (and, for me, it is certainly more convenient) meeting clients in the office, I find that home turf is where they feel the most comfortable. Also, while there, they have added access to their books and records; have you ever gone to an attorney, only to discover that you left some important document, like your old will or that deed (after all, trusts cannot be funded without this information).
Sure -- it is more time consuming, but the greater Los Angeles area is filled with lawyers who will not take the time to meet with their clients in this way.
Presently, I am in the process of starting a financial planning practice, as I am now in the process of registering as a California investment advisor. At that point, I fully intend on doing home visits with my financial planning clients. As far as I am concerned, it's the best way to go.
This seems like a great strategy to build and solidify personal relationships with clients. In a city this busy, a little care goes a long way. I assume you're billing for the drive time; is that correct?
I usually bill for estate planning services on a project basis, based upon the number of hours anticipated to complete the work. Travel time is factored in -- even though it is not billed at an "hourly" rate.
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